Wednesday, June 2, 2010

'Mom, am I a Norman?' Um, what? 'Am I a Norman?' I don't know what that means. ' I a NORMAN?!' What's a Norman? 'It's this church that Tori's soccer girl goes to.' Ohhhhh, Mormon! No, you're not a Mormon. Owen Bosworth.

'So Mom, is there such an animal as a mammal that breathes water?' No. 'Mom, is there such an animal as a bird that breathes water?' No. 'Mom, is there such an animal as a mammal that lays eggs?' Well, the platypus is something like that but I think it's classified as a marsupial. It has all the characteristics of a mammal but lays eggs. 'Um, the answer I was looking for was no.' Will Bosworth...some teachers just can't handle the truth. (this conversation took place at 5:30 a.m. between Will - who was standing next to the bed - and his mother - who was still lying with eyes closed, in the bed.)

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